Feb 22, 2010
In which we talk about Jeremy's new cult, Lost, read emails, bring back Oorye the donkey, and mention Bambi, Donald Sutherland, and 60's Batman.
Feb 19, 2010
In which we talk about the Olympics, Shit Movies, and Sarah Jessica Parker.
Feb 16, 2010
In which we solve sex ed, and cover babies and cowboys. Part 2 will be available later this week.
Feb 7, 2010
In which we triumphantly celebrate our one year anniversary with our guests from the past year. We talk shitty movies with Pietro NoSleeves, col weather, meth, and metally scarring children with Ted, and Time Travel pooping, nipples, drinking, and strip clubs with Stohner, Sarah and Mr. T.V. Gangsta. Thank you all...
Feb 3, 2010
In which we can't get out shit together to record this week, but are able to proide you with entertainment with the best of our unreleased test episodes and we talk about Gummi cocks, Nazi names, and Emo kids vs Architecture kids